Democrats Happy with Whatever Health Plan
While Democratic presidential candidates are deeply divided between Medicare for All and a public insurance option, Democratic voters seem to be cool with either one, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll.
The big picture: Sizeable majorities of both Democrats and independents in the Kaiser poll said they approve of a single national health insurance system, and larger majorities said they like the idea of a public program competing alongside private insurance, Sam writes.
Between the lines: Big majorities expect their taxes to go up under either plan, but still seem ready to accept that trade-off.
Sam's thought bubble: Consider these results in the context of Sen. Bernie Sanders' rise in 2020 polling.
Neither Sanders nor Medicare for All has actually won anything yet — not an argument within the Democratic Party, much less a broader political argument up against the full force of industry and GOP attacks, much less an actual legislative victory.
And they may not end up winning any of those fights. But the first step would be to build a sufficiently large and enthusiastic base of Democrats, and if you were part of that effort, you'd have to be pretty happy about the way this is going right now.
Read the full article here.