Abrams Joins Senate Democrats To Announce “A Healthy Connecticut” Agenda

Abrams Joins Senate Democrats To Announce “A Healthy Connecticut” Agenda

Today, State Senator Mary Daugherty Abrams (D-Meriden, Middlefield, Rockfall, Middletown, Cheshire) joined Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven), Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk), and other members of the Senate Democratic caucus to announce “A Healthy Connecticut,” the first of four legislative agendas for the 2020 legislative session from Senate Democrats. The series of bills outlined the policy proposals from Senate Democrats to strengthen Connecticut’s health care, environmental and energy systems.

Sen. Abrams discussed legislative proposals to expand patients' rights, allowing them the opportunity to tell their medical story to an insurance company after a new medicine or test is ordered by a doctor. Currently, patients can only share that information after an insurance company has denied that coverage.

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