Drug and Hospital Prices, “Medicare for All” Among Greatest Threats to Employer-Sponsored Coverage Per National Alliance Purchaser Poll

Drug and Hospital Prices, “Medicare for All” Among Greatest Threats to Employer-Sponsored Coverage Per National Alliance Purchaser Poll

Employers who sponsor health benefits for millions of Americans face rising healthcare costs and the uncertainty of pending surprise medical billing and drug pricing legislation and the presidential election. As a result, almost 34% of purchasers indicated that a Medicare public option could be a helpful reform for their employer health and wellbeing strategies, while another 29% were neutral. These are among the findings of an employer survey conducted by the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions (National Alliance).

As for other potential reforms, more than 52% responded that “Medicare for All” would be somewhat or very hurtful and hospital price transparency and rate regulation were viewed as very helpful (46% and 44% respectively).

Read the full article here.