Summary of Stakeholder Comments on Colorado’s Draft Public Option Plan
This chart examines the public comments submitted in response to Colorado’s Draft Report for Colorado’s State Coverage Option. Comments are organized by issue area and stakeholder type. Most comments focused on which services to include in the benefit design. Under the public plan, providers and consumers supported including comprehensive behavioral, reproductive, and oral health services. Providers were also concerned about fair compensation and proposed potential approaches to reimburse health care services, while consumers supported protections for pre-existing conditions and highlighted affordability as a key concern.
Colorado’s state consumer coalitions and advocacy groups generally commented in support of the proposal and emphasized the importance of covering the underinsured and uninsured population, including immigrants. On the other end of the spectrum, health insurance plans provided mixed feedback on the proposal, mostly in opposition of the outlined components. Insurers generally supported the legislation’s underlying goals but mostly opposed using a public option to achieve them.